There can be a lot of things competing for our attention work, family and every other thing in between.

Before dedicating your attention to anything and ensuring and ensuring everything around you is in shape it is necessary to focus on things that are valuable to you.

Here are four tips to keep you focused on your financial journey.

Do an annual review

Looking back might be painful but it is a stepping stone to going forward. Don’t beat yourself too hard if you made mistakes. Acknowledge your mistakes, learn and make adjustments.

Your review should answer questions like……

  • What was my finance like? Did I grow in saving or entered into debt?
  • Did I spend more than I earned?
  • Did I acquire any assets?
  • Did I utilize the financial opportunities I had?

This is very important, doing this would help you know deeply your financial state. When you can articulate this, drawing up a plan for your financial goal becomes easy.

Narrow your financial focus

It is okay to dream big, dream about our financial future but when your focus is too broad, it becomes easy to get lost, remember nobody achieves financial freedom overnight. The work is a gradual process, so set small, tangible steps that reflects your larger goal until your financial goal is reached.

Maintain a healthy, positive money mindset

How do you feel when you earn money? How do you feel when money leaves you? Do you talk to yourself when it comes to money? Remember you are a product of your thoughts. Normalize having money conversations with your loved ones and master your emotions.

A realistic plan to grow your finances into realities is very possible when you stay focused.

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